
Preparation of user guides for The Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998

On 3rd February,2022 and 4th February, 2022, Uganda Law Reform Commission held a Technical Working Group Meeting at Royal Suites Hotel in Bugolobi with various stakeholders to discuss the draft users guides for The Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998. Participants included, The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Transport, The Inspector General of Police, Uganda Taxi Operators and Drivers Association (UTODA), The Chief Registrar High Court of Uganda, The Director Public Prosecutions among others..

Uganda Law Reform Commission is preparing different user guides for The Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998. The user guides are intended to ease the understanding of the provisions of the law; create awareness about the law; and provide the public and duty bearers with information relating to:

Registration and ownership of motor vehicles

Licensing of public service motor vehicles

Road use and traffic control; and

Duties of office bearers in enforcement of the Act.

These guides are not a replacement of the Act; they only provide basic information on rules governing motor vehicle road use, road users and traffic control in Uganda.

The purpose of these guide is:

Provide guidance to road users, the public and implementors about the rules governing road us and traffic control

Enhance compliance with the law among road users;

Enhance enforcement of the law among implementors and duty bearers; and

Create awareness about the legal requirements governing motor vehicle road use, road users and traffic control.