The Simplification of the Mortgage Act project involved the Uganda Law Reform Commission's efforts to streamline and clarify the provisions of the Mortgage Act 2009. The primary objective was to make the Act more easily understandable for various end-users, including banks, financial institutions, legal practitioners, and the public.
The project aimed to promote and facilitate a better understanding of the law, ensure that people comprehend their rights and obligations as defined in the Constitution, and promote the rule of law. The Commission achieved this by using plain language, replacing complex legal terms with simpler alternatives, and providing a glossary for reference.
The simplification process took place over six months, from March to August 2019, in several phases. These included simplification of the Act, pre-testing the simplified version, validation, and the incorporation of feedback and changes.
Ultimately, the Commission printed and distributed copies of the simplified version of the Mortgage Act 2009, making the law more accessible and comprehensible to its intended audience.
Completed Projects